Category Archives: Biographies

Biography of Robert Lee Frost

Although Robert Frost often described rural life in New England in his poems and avoided experiments with poetic form, he was definitely a modern poet considering the language he used and complexity of the themes he discussed.

Biography of Philip Arthur Larkin

Just a little over than one hundred pages of poetry – that’s all what Philip Larking wrote. Yet, this extremely small body of work gives enough evidence to call him one of the most notable poets of his era.

Biography of Emma Lazarus

Emma Lazarus was an American writer and poet. She was born in a family of a wealthy planter, a descendant of ancient Jewish family, which had escaped to the New World from Portugal. Emma received home education. She began to publish her poetry in the 1866. She was engaged in social activities. Her poem is written on the … Continue reading Biography of Emma Lazarus

Biography of Lalla Ded

Muslim saint and mystic poet Lalleshwari (also known as Lalla Ded) was the author of the first compositions in the Kashmiri language. She composed mystic poems called Lal Vakhs and inspired several Kashmiri Sufis, including probably the most well-known of them, Sheikh Noor-ud-din Wali. Lalleshwari was married at the age of 12. The following 12 … Continue reading Biography of Lalla Ded

Biography of Siegfried Sassoon

Siegfried Sassoon was an English writer and poet, WW I veteran. After the war, he dealt with literary criticism, published several books of poems, but the best works that were created by him belonged to the period of the First World War.